The plan of God was to do great signs and wonders in Egypt, and bring his people out of slavery.
The purpose of God was so that all people will know that he is the Lord.
The story of Exodus is a war between the Lord and the gods of Egypt.
The plan of God was to do great signs and wonders in Egypt, and bring his people out of slavery.
The purpose of God was so that all people will know that he is the Lord.
The story of Exodus is a war between the Lord and the gods of Egypt.
The story of Exodus is a war between the Lord and the Egyptians gods.
God reminds Moses of who he is and what he has done.
The command of the Lord to Pharaoh: Obey me by letting my people go. The response of Pharaoh to the Lord: Disobedience and refusing to acknowledge the Lord as God. The story of Exodus is a war between the Lord and the gods of Egypt.
Exodus chapter 5 starts the story of the war between the Lord and the gods of Egypt.
This morning, we are in a sermon series called “Exodus: The Victorious God.” Pastor Mike has titled today’s message “Deliverer is Refocused & Reassured.”
Exodus is a book about the Lord as he brings deliverance for his people. Exodus chapter 3:11-22: The Deliverer Has Doubts.
Exodus 3:1-10
Today we will see the process of the calling of the deliverer
Verse 1 – Presents the reality of the deliverers season in life.
Verses 2-4 – Moses’ curiosity as he encounters the Holy God
Verses 5-6 – How to approach the Holy God
Verses 7-10 – God’s purpose of Moses’ calling is revealed
Too often we read the Bible assuming it is about us, but primarily it is about God and his plan for salvation history.
Why study Exodus?
1) The Old Testament is the Word of God to us as well. 2) To know God better. 3) To understand God’s deliverance and redemption better. 4) To learn lessons for living out our faith as the people of God, including many of Israel’s failures.
This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.
The book of Titus has been about the amazing grace of God and its transformative work in our lives, changing who we are and how we live.
There is a danger in the church today of always seeking new knowledge and information, while failing to do the things we already know to do.
Often we need to be reminded of what God calls us to do, even the simple things, because it is easy to get distracted and complacent in our walk with Christ.
This morning, we are in a sermon series called “Transformed by Grace.”
Pastor Mike has titled today’s message “Amazing Grace.”